magzima theme, blogger template

Assallamu' Allaikum Wr Wb ..

Designed by Uong Jowo, Magzima is a stylish and modern magazine Blogger template  with a mobile friendly responsive layout for Blogger connected to Uong Jowo
Magzima has a clean and well structured design so readers can access your content quickly and easily. This theme is great for your travel blog, news, photos blog etc..

Some of the other features of the theme include: a nicely structured and completely widgetized homepage, a mobile responsive layout, background image and color options are easy customisable options, automatic author photo updates, 2 sliders, ticker, carousel, video posts and more...

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pertamag screens

Designed by Uong Jowo for Blogger (let me know your real profile) conected to Uong Jowo.  Pertamag is perfect For Personal Blogs Magazine Sites, Modern and fully responsive (try resizing your browser) , And Pertamag Looks Cool And Sophisticated You Can Have Fun On The Run By Posting News, articles, Tube Videos, Photos, Links and more ..   Insya Allah..

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Pertamag Responsive
For SLIDER , you can make "Feature" label from your posts.

For Mobile device 240px adding this css below:

@media only screen and (max-width:240px){ .uj_container{width:220px;padding:0;margin:0 auto} #uj-slider,.sidebar_uj,.footer_copyright{width:200px} .header_logo{width:200px;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;} .header_logo img{width:180px;margin:0 auto;} .header-ad{display:none} #content{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:200px} .content_ujowo{width:200px;float:left;padding-bottom:20px;padding-right:0;border-right:0} .footer-widget .widget-footer{width:200px;padding:0} .footuo_ngjwo{width:200px;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 0;color:#686868!important;margin:0 auto} .header_search{display:none} .header_logo{text-align:center} #ticker-wrapper,.jo_wo-bar,.top-social-icons{display:none} #PopularPosts1 ul{width:200px} .single .jo-woconteu_j img{max-width:200px} .top_menu{width:200px;margin:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0} #uj-menu{width:180px;margin:10px} #mobilenav{display:inline-block;border:0;padding:7px;background:#cd2122;color:#fff} #navi.suball{background:#333} #search-block{display:none} #uj-slider{width:200px;height:243px;padding:0} #uj-slider .uj_slider{width:200px;height:243px} #carousel{display:none} .uj_slider .slider_img{width:200px;height:243px;overflow:hidden} .uj_slider .slider_caption{width:200px;top:150px;padding:10px} .uj_slider .slider_caption h3{margin-bottom:0;font-size:20px} .inde-uj li:first-child,.inde-uj li,.line-uj li:first-child,.line-uj li,.UJ-list li:first-child,.UJ-list li{width:200px} .UJ-list.colm,.UJ-list.colm.last{width:200px;float:left} .line-uj li:first-child .img_styleU_jowo,.line-uj li .img_styleU_jowo,.UJ-list li:first-child .img_styleU_jowo{padding:0;width:200px;overflow:hidden} .pijo-wo .buo-ngjowo ul li,.pijo-wo .buo-ngjowo ul li:first-child{width:49%;float:left} .pijo-wo .buo-ngjowo ul li:nth-child(even){margin-right:0} .uj_wo-bar .buo-ngjowo ul li .img_styleU_jowo{width:200px;height:280px;padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden} .uj_wo-bar .buo-ngjowo ul li{width:200px;margin:0} .uj_wo-bar .widget{width:200px} #related-posts ul li{width:100%;max-width:200px} .sidebar_uj{margin-left:0!important;border:0!important;width:200px;padding-left:0;float:left;padding:0} .sidebar-widget .widget-area{width:200px} .social-networks li{margin-right:7px} ul.recentComments,.recentComments li,#tabbed-widget .tabs-wrap,#tabbed-widget{width:200px} .footer_copyright .copyrights{float:none;text-align:center;width:90%;margin-bottom:10px} .bottom_social_icons{float:none;text-align:center;width:100%} #top,.header-ad{display:none} .showpageArea{font-size:12px} }

Team Blog

Designed by Uong Jowo, Team Blog is a Responsive Magazine Style Blogger Template for Team, created by Uong Jowo for any type of informative blog such as a complex News Blog with multi authors, or simply informative blog, Insya Allah...  You can list posts by Label(Tags) and also can list video posts.

For photo of author, you don't need edit bla.. bla..bla..  This theme is automaticaly showing  author photo.

From Customize Design, you can easily change main color and background image like you want..

 TeamBlog Magazine
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 How to change background img..?

Once you’ve chosen a template, you can continue customizing the look of your blog. you can choose the background color or image for your blog and then play with the color scheme.

To start customizing your background, click on the thumbnail under Background Image, or you can upload your background...

Team Blog Responsive

The "Read More" Slider link is Error....!?  
Copy js link below and Replace postteam_content.js file to your template :

replace link of flexslider js with


Alhamdulillah... Designed by Uong Jowo, Widgetly is a magazine blogger template for news blog or any web journal & much more   The theme have 3 columns layout  post widget content and advertising.

It’s fully responsive design ready to any device. The theme is packed with widgetized sections, and has many features such as  a headlines, a flexslider, image zoom, news Gallery, tab content sidebar and much more.

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How to show  Post widget on Homepage..?
  1. on Dashbord Blogger Click Layout
  2. Edit HTML/Javascript widget
  3. Add your label in box content and title [ like image below ]
  4. Save


- Copy this Responsive CSS code below , and replace to your template

.pix_uj li .uj_thumb{width:70px;height:70px;overflow:hidden;} @media only screen and (max-width:1219px){ #wrapper{width:986px;} .container,#footer-widget-area{width:944px;} .header-content{margin:0;padding:25px 21px} #sidebar-narrow,#top{display:none} #sidebar{float:right;width:300px;} #logo{float:left;width:270px;} } @media only screen and (max-width:985px) and (min-width: 768px) { #wrapper{width:750px;}#logo,#logo img{float:left;width:200px;} .container,#footer-widget-area,#main-content{width:730px;} #content,#uj-slider,.flexslider,.uj-box,.pix_uj .box-content,.UJ-list li,.UJ-list li:first-child,.inde-uj li,.uj-box li:first-child .uj_thumb{width:410px;float:left;} .scroler li .uj_thumb .overlay,.uj-box li:first-child .overlay{width:410px;height:160px} #content .post-body img{max-width:360px;} .uj-box.cols-2,.uj-box.cols-2 li,.uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child{float:left;width:200px;margin-right:0} .uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child .overlay{width:200px;height:160px} .uj-box.cols-2 .uj_thumb .overlay:hover a.zoom{left:15%} .uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child .uj_thumb .overlay:hover{right:15%} .cols-2.last-column{float:right;} .header-content{margin:0;padding:25px 15px} .header-content{background:transparent} .top-nav .container{position:relative} #sidebar{padding:0 0 0 4px;float:right;width:300px;} } /* Phone : 480px */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 480px){ #wrapper{max-width:430px;width:100%!important} #topcontrol , .ads-top,#main-nav, .ads-bottom,.home-ads, .ads-post, .today-date, .slider-caption p{display:none !important;} header {width:420px !important;} #mobilenav{display:inline-block;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:2px 5px;} #navi.suball {background:#333;} .container,#main-content , .content , #content{width:420px !important; } .flexslider , .flexslider .slides > li ,.flexslider .slides img{height:250px !important;} .slider-caption h2 a, .slider-caption h2{ font-size:22px;} .single-post-thumb img { max-height:210px; } .slider-caption{width:auto;} .logo{float:none;text-align:center;} #uj-slider,.uj-box,#footer-widget-area,.flexslider,.uj_slider_item{float:none;width:400px;} #uj-slider{margin:0 auto 20px auto}.uj-box,.uj-box.cols-2,.pix_uj{margin-left:10px;} #top{display:none} .uj-box.cols-2,.uj-box.cols-2 .widget-content,.uj-box.cols-2 li,.uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child,.uj-box,.pix_uj .box-content,.UJ-list li,.UJ-list li:first-child,.inde-uj li,.uj-box li:first-child .uj_thumb,#tabbed-widget{float:none;width:400px;} .uj-box.cols-2 .widget>h2{width:400px;} .pix_uj .box-content ul li:first-child{width:400px;float:none;} .pix_uj .box-content ul li:first-child .uj_thumb,.pix_uj .box-content ul li .uj_thumb{width:100%;float:left;} .pix_uj .box-content ul li{width:31%;float:left;} .uj-box.cols-2,.uj-box.cols-2 li,.uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child{float:left;width:400px;margin-right:0} .scroler li .uj_thumb .overlay,.uj-box li:first-child .overlay{width:400px;height:160px} #sidebar {width:400px;float:left;} #PopularPosts2 ul{width:380px;float:left;} #adsentop,#righttop{display:none !important;} } /* Phone : 320px */ @media only screen and (max-width:479px){ #topcontrol,.today-date,#main-nav,.slider-caption p,#cats-tabs-box,a.random-article{display:none;} #wrapper{max-width:297px;width:100%!important} .social-networks{display:none;} #mobilenav{display:inline-block;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:2px 5px;} #navi.suball {background:#333;} .container,#main-content,#content, #uj-slider,.uj-box,.flexslider{margin:0 auto 20px auto;width:277px;} #footer-widget-area{margin:0 auto;width:277px;} .uj-box.cols-2,.uj-box.cols-2 li,.uj-box.cols-2 li:first-child,.uj-box,.pix_uj .box-content,.UJ-list li,.UJ-list li:first-child,.inde-uj li,.uj-box li:first-child .uj_thumb{float:left;width:277px;} .pix_uj .box-content ul li:first-child{width:277px;float:left;} footer{padding:20px 0} #sidebar{padding:0 0 0 0;float:left;width:277px;border-left:0;} .fb-like-box{float:left;} #tabbed-widget,#sidebar .widget{float:left;width:277px;} #tabbed-widget .tabs-wrap li{width:90%;float:left;} #PopularPosts2 ul{width:250px;float:left;} #content .post-body img{max-width:250px;} #logo{max-width:150px;float:left;clear:both;} #logo img{width:150px;} #adsentop,#righttop{display:none !important;} #sidebar-top1 img{max-width:270px;} } @media only screen and (max-width:319px) { #wrapper{width:220px;} .head_brnews .breaking-news{display:none} #content {float:left;width:220px;} #sidebar{padding:0 0 0 0;float:left;width:220px;} }

Find this old Responsive CSS:
media only screen and (max-width:1219px
......................... until...............

media only screen and (max-width:319px

The Left/Right button Slider is not work on Chrome ..?

Go to Edit Html, Find this:

          .. until...
.uj_slider .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev{margin-right:41px}

Replace with CSS code below:

#uj-slider{position:relative;max-width:620px;width:100%} #uj-slider .widget h2,.tabs-wrap .widget h2{display:none} .uj_slider{margin-bottom:2px;position:relative;margin-bottom:30px;overflow:hidden;background-color:#fff} .uj_slider_wrap{position:relative;height:350px;overflow:hidden;margin-bottom:3px;padding:0} .uj_slider_item{max-width:620px;height:340px;overflow:hidden;width:100%} .uj_slider .slides img{width:100%;height:auto;} .uj_slider .slider_caption{position:absolute;padding:10px 15px;background:#cd2122;background:rgba(205,33,34,0.8);left:0;bottom:100px;color:#f5f5f5;margin-bottom:12px;z-index:99} .uj_slider .slider_caption:after{content:"";height:3px;width:100%;background:#cd2122;background:rgba(205,33,34,0.8);overflow:hidden;display:block;left:0;position:absolute;bottom:-4px} .uj_slider_wrap .uj_slider_item{display:none;position:relative} .flex-direction-nav {*height: 0;} .flex-direction-nav {margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none;} .uj_slider .slider_caption h3{margin-bottom:0;font-size:20px} .uj_slider .slider_caption h3 a{font-family:'Oswald',serif;color:#fff} .uj_slider .slider_caption h3 a:hover{color:#000} .uj_slider p.caption{position:absolute;background:#000;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);padding:7px 14px;bottom:39px;width:385px;color:#fff;font-family:tahoma;font-size:13px;line-height:17px;z-index:99} .uj_slider p.caption .post-meta{display:none} .uj_slider .flex-direction-nav a{background:url( no-repeat;font-size:0;width:40px;height:40px;display:block; position:absolute;bottom:5px;cursor: pointer;right:5px;z-index:99} .uj_slider .flex-direction-nav .flex-next {background-position:100% 0;z-index:99} .uj_slider .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev {margin-right:41px;z-index:99}

-Find this :

1. <div id='sidebar' style='width:100%;max-width:300px;float:right;'> replace with <div id='sidebar'>

2. <footer   adding  <div class='clear'/> like below:

<div class='clear'/>

<footer itemscope='' itemtype=''>

 Need show Disqus Comment Count on Homepage of this template ? ..mail me



Designed by Uong Jowo. Petromag magazine blogger themes is built  for your news sites.
This Theme gives you many ways to show your posts. With a good structure and responsive layout, the viewing and reading experience is superb on all types of devices.

A feature-rich, professional media, sticky menu bar, Error 404 Page, a slider on each category page, a drop-down searching post, carousel up-down, Header newsflash Show popular stories (daily, weekly, monthly or all time), recent comments and/or recent posts in a stylish way at the top of your page, and so much more!

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Designed by Uong Jowo,  Newsteam is news theme with Multi Author for Team of Blogger. This Themes to help you create your team professional news blog and get more readers! Insya Allah...   
It has 3 columns, horizontal and vertical pausing scroll, feature slider, show each author photo in every posts,  etc..!

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How to create a specific element in your single and archives posts that will contain the profile picture and author name?

Go to the Edit Template HTML.
Tick the “Expand Widget Templates” box.

Find this : authorname1
Replace authorname1 with Your real author name, and Url author picture, also authorname2, 3 etc..
Look like this:

<b:if cond=' == &quot;authorname1&quot;'>
<img src='Url author picture'/>

Replace  link js "goup.js" code with this <script type="text/javascript" src="">

If Attension Symbols appear on the header, find this: grid_pat.png  replace with this :

Find this too: prevbn.gif  and  nextbn.gif

Replace with:

Design by Uong Jowo.  Trend Mag is a Simple magazine theme created by Uong Jowo for Blogspot,  and good for Personal blog or Your articles blog, Insya Allah...

 This template has 2 columns, Vertical slider tabs ,  headline, drop-down menus, Tipst gallery posts, carousel post image etc.. You can even add a customized background image or background color.

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Not work in the Chrome ??

Follow this instructions:

1. Go to Edit Html, find  this:

#navi  ul.items li a  ...until..  #navi ul.items li  also  .datetime

2. Replace with :

 #navi  ul.items li a {display:block; font-weight: normal; overflow: hidden;height:80px; padding:5px 5px 10px;border-bottom:0.5px solid #ccc; -moz-transition:.8s linear; -webkit-transition:.8s ease-out; transition:.8s linear;font-size: 14px;font-family:Oswald;}
#navi  ul.items li a:hover,#navi li a.current  {background:#f7f7f7;text-decoration:none; border-bottom:0.5px solid #eee; -moz-transition:.01s linear; -webkit-transition:.01s ease-out; transition:.01s linear;}
#navi  ul.items li p{font-size:11px;color:#555;font-weight: normal;}
#navi li h5{float: left;width: 180px; font-size: 15px;}
#navi ul.items li {display:block;float: left; padding:0; width: 330px; overflow: hidden;height:80px;margin:0; border-bottom:0.5px solid #eee; }

 .datetime { text-align:left; float:left;background:#333;padding:0px 7px;margin-top:5px;width:180px;}

3. Save

If  Atention Symbol appear, find this : up.png , tipsy.gif
Replace with:

More Than News

Designed by Uong Jowo, Alhamdulillah..... More Than News Theme is designed to news magazine blogger template. The home page features a 2-3 column layout ideal for content and advertising.

The theme is packed with widgetized sections, and has many unique features such as a search bar, a breadcrumb style menu, a news slider, featured Carousel, news Gallery, tab content sidebar and much more.

 MoreThan News [2]
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if Attention Symbol appear, find: up.png , dots_pat.png , and tipsy.gif

replace with :


Designed by Uong Jowo, News Cafe is Light Magazine style blogger template. This theme is great for online Newspaper, Magazine, Business and Tourism blog.
It comes with a lot of Features and design, like:

Black and white thumbnail image on home page.
Image zoom with true color image.
3 content Slider include flexslider , Horizontal column drop down menu on top, sidebar Tabs , etc..

Note: Thanks to WooThemes for free  flexslider.

View Demo

 News Cafe
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News Magazine Theme 640
News Magazine Theme 640  by Antisocialmediallc is WordPress theme to build a newspaper or magazine style blog. Showcase 5 featured categories on Home page. Single posts and Single pages use 3 column display with one of two sidebars being movable.

News Magazine Theme 640 has converted to Blogger template by Uong  Jowo.


Daily v2.0

Daily theme is a Premium wordpress theme released by themejunkie.

Daily theme has converted to blogger template by Uong Jowo.



Hi friends...  This is Goodnews Responsive WordPress news and magazine theme fully customizable created by Momizat Theme

Goodnews has an extensive theme options with import/export System , WPML Ready, RTL full support.

Goodnews theme has converted to blogger template by Uong Jowo.

Yamidoo First Theme is a Magazine-Style First Theme designed by Wpzoom for any type of informative websites such as a complex News Blog, or simply informative blog. With a simple layout  a perfect look for your blog.

This theme has converted to Blogger Template by Uong Jowo.


Follow this instruction:

1. if you have edit widget tab (Popular and Label), Go to Edit Html

find this


look like:  .tab_sidebar_list { display: ; }

adding this: "none"

look like:  .tab_sidebar_list { display: none; }

2. Find this too: #nav ul

look like: #nav ul{list-style:none;}

adding : z-index number

look like:  #nav ul{list-style:none;z-index:9999;}

Who’s Who
Who’s Who theme is a stylish and elegant magazine-style theme designed by Elegant Themes. it’s spread over three columns, uses a lot of thumbnails and features a blue and grey colour scheme.

This Theme has converted to Blogger template by Uong Jowo.

The theme makes it easy to create a dynamic news portal using Blogspot.

View Demo 

BlogNews Magazine theme designed by Gabfire is a multi-purpose and stylish magazine theme with a unique homepage that is aimed to those who want a more professional feel to their site.
With 7 alternate styles and advanced theme control panel options the theme gives ability to run a Newspaper or Magazine style website.

This theme has converted to blogger template by Uong Jowo. 


Follow this Instruction:

Go to Template edit HTML

Find this :  <ul id='mid-slider-pagination'>

Adding this One :  <li><a href='#'>Label-5</a></li>  Above </ul>
